The most common form of leather air jordan shoes employed for shoemaking is full-grain leather.Leather is an ideal material for shoes because it is pliable, durable, comfortable, and fashionable. There are a variety of leathers used for shoes. Most leather today comes from cows but this is by no means the only animal skin being tanned and turned into leather. Ostrich skin has recently become a popular source for leather. Alligator and crocodile skins are another popular choice for the fashion conscious. Even snake skins are used for shoes. Ever seen a pair of rattlesnake skin cowboy boots? Talk about a fashion statement! For those who prefer their fashions from Down Under, there are shoes made from kangaroo skin. Kangaroo leather is, in fact, known to be more resistant to abrasions than cow leather. Not only does leather come from a variety of animals, there are also a number of forms of leather. For every fashion and every season, men have been choosing leather as their favorite shoe material. Leather has been a favored material of shoemakers for about as long as there have been shoemakers.
If you have a pair of leather shoes which feel very rough on the inside and very smooth on the outside, it's probable that they are made with top-grain leather. Because it hasn't been overly sanded or treated, full-grain leather is the most durable form of leather and the top choice for distinguishing shoe buyers. Another popular form of leather is suede. Suede starts out similar to full-grain leather, but the upper layers of the material are brushed away, which is what give suede its characteristic appearance. Suede is
It's written by PickJordanShoes date 4.4.2012
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